House Tour and Big News!
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We are so excited to share our 1901 Atlanta Victorian house tour with you! We’re taking you on a tour through this amazing home.
Welcome to my 1901 Victorian house tour! I have loved living in this house for the past 5+ years and have always had a special love for older homes. We’ve definitely had to do some updates to the home, like retiling the bathrooms and landscaping the backyard. It’s also the home we brought Everett to from the hospital. But with every beginning comes an ending, as well as a new beginning. So the big news is that we have decided to move. Yes, you read that right. We’re moving!
Things Change…
I knew things would change once Everett came into our world, but I didn’t realize how many things I would want to change because of him. Kara and I were on a walk with Everett earlier this year and we started to talk about how we wanted our life to look. Atlanta has so many great things about it, but we’ve been here for over 10 years and we are ready for a change. We had been talking about moving to a smaller town for years, but were always a little too nervous to go for it.
During our walk and chat it was pretty clear to both of us that we were finally ready to make it happen! We are heading to Madison, GA, which is an adorable little town about an hour from Atlanta and 30 minutes from Athens. We’ll be close enough to the big city for when we need a little bit of that hustle and bustle in our lives. We’ll also be closer to my parents (only about 30 minutes away now!), as well as closer to Kara’s family.
Meant to Be
Before the pandemic happened, we had been looking for a fixer upper in Madison as a place we could escape to on the weekends. We had even gone to look at a house on March 7th and then the world shut down the following week. Obviously it was something we pressed pause on, but has always been in the back of our minds.
The pandemic has taught us that it’s okay to slow down and that life is uncertain. We should take the risks and not look back 10 years from now wishing we had done things differently. I was speaking with a friend the other day and she remarked how clear I sounded in our decision. And I have been, which I think is extremely telling that this is the right decision for us.
Moving Quickly!
Once we made our decision to move, we wanted to try and get our house on the market as soon as possible. The housing market in Atlanta is insane at the moment and we didn’t want to be competing with more and more houses as they came on. Our house was under contract within 48 hours! Which was amazing, but also meant we needed to find something quickly. While that story is one for another day soon, we are so excited things worked out for us. Spoiler alert: we are also buying a newer home and I’ll be sure to share more on the new house soon.
But I wanted to take this time to almost pay homage to a house that we have loved so much. We will certainly miss it, but also can’t wait for our new adventure!
House Tour
We’ve been blessed with a great kitchen in this home with lots of cabinet and countertop space. But the one thing it lacks is an openness to the living room. Our new home has a more open concept, which is awesome for this new chapter in our lives.
I can’t believe this, but I have actually never shown y’all my master bedroom. It was a room that never quite got decorated how I wanted it. We moved some things around before placing it on the market. My goal for the new house is that we do not leave the master bedroom as the last room to get decorated!
This is the room I will miss the most! I spent a lot of time making Everett’s nursery just right and we’ve shared so many special moments here. Plus, we have been soooo spoiled with these large bedrooms. His room at the new house is definitely smaller than this, but I don’t think he’ll hold it against us haha.
The move will be bittersweet for sure and there will likely be a tear or two shed. As clear as we are in this decision, it will still be sad to leave. There are pieces of us scattered all throughout this home. From coming home late at night after a hard day’s work and ordering our favorite takeout to sitting on the front porch on a Spring afternoon drinking a beer to all of the moments struggling with our infertility to the happiest moment of finding out we were pregnant. This house has been a part of our story the last several years and it certainly will never be forgotten.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this house tour and I will be sure to keep you updated on the move, the new house, small town living, and projects we hope to accomplish!