Guest Bathroom Makeover – One Room Challenge Week 2
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Welcome to week 2 of our guest bathroom makeover!
Hey y’all, I can’t believe it’s already been a week since we announced we were doing our guest bathroom makeover for the One Room Challenge. Of course it was a last minute decision and there have already been a couple moments of panic. But we’re back on track haha! We have definitely made some great progress that we’ll walk you through below.
As always, we extend a special thanks to our gracious hosts, Linda at Calling It Home , One Room Challenge and sponsor Better Homes and Gardens.
You can view our previous ORC room makeovers here:
Master Bedroom Closet, She Shed Makeover, Blue and White Bathroom Makeover
Catch up on our weekly ORC posts here:
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6
Again, here is the before photo of what we were working with. On my way home from work I was talking with mom and that was really when the panic sunk in. We decided so quickly to do the guest bathroom for the One Room Challenge that we didn’t really plan out the logistics. Like at all! And if you know know me, you’ll know that I am a planner.
So I started thinking about everything that really needed to get done asap. The first thing in order was demoing the tile. I had done a little of this in our last house, but that was with my uncle’s help and it wasn’t as much tile.
I woke up on Saturday morning, walked to our local Ace Hardware to get the supplies I needed, and I got to work. Since we’re on a deadline, I wanted to knock out the demo during the weekend.
Here are the tools I got:
The tools I used the most for the bathroom makeover demo were the following:
- Utility Knife
- Chisel
- Hammer
- Gloves
- Protective Eyewear
I thought I would wear the mask, but it was making the eyewear fog up and was also so hot haha.
To make things a little easier in the bathroom makeover, I scored the grout with the utility knife before I started to use the chisel. It honestly helped so much! Although it was still a hard job getting all of that tile off the wall. Especially since it was glued directly onto the drywall.
I have to say that demoing the guest bathroom was a lot of fun to do and kind of therapeutic. Don’t get my wrong, I was so sore afterwards, but I really enjoyed it. Especially the feeling of accomplishing something this big on my own. Now of course we’re debating if we should just go ahead and do the floor while we are at it. If we decide to do so, then I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. Can’t wait to see the end result of our guest bathroom makeover.
So, here’s our To-Do List (so far):
- Paint the walls
Demo/remove existing tileShop for new tile- Add new tile for bathtub area
- Re-grout floor tile with dark grout
- New light fixture
- Paint vanity
- New vanity top
- New vanity hardware for doors and drawers
- Paint accent wall
- Sink faucet
- Tub faucet
- Towel Hooks
- TP Holder
- Hand towel ring
- Rug
- Mirror
It’s going to look phenomenal! So excited to follow along!
It always is worse before it gets better. Now that you’ve got the demo work done you can move on to adding all the pretty stuff. Happy decorating. Looking forward to seeing what next week unfolds.
I’m impressed! I would have so many holes in that drywall that I’d probably have to replace that too!!
Demo-ing tile is such a messy job, but now you get to start putting things back together!
Yay demo means you get to start working on the fun stuff!
You are making a lot of progress, good call on re doing the tile. It is such a large focal point in the room, I know the update will look great!
That’s a lot of work, but you’ve made great changes!!
Great work! Demoing tile is hard stuff!!!
This is indeed A lot of work. But it will be worth it in the end. The new tile is going to look great!
This is so exciting Jenn! I know it was a ton of work but gosh, you did it! I can’t wait to see how it all comes together. I know everything you have planned including the new tile is going to be fabulous. Keep up the good work! Hugs, CoCo
Wow! That is a lot of work, but I know you ladies can do it. Can’t wait to see the reveal. Bathroom makeovers are fun.