Don’t judge a book by its cover…
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Don’t judge a book by its cover because we are more interested in what is under the jacket cover.
Do you love looking through magazines? We do too. We especially like discovering creative uses for stylizing home interiors with books. This is what we mean by don’t judge a book by its cover.
We love using books in our decor and prefer using like-colored book covers. It’s an easy, inexpensive way to style bookcases and tabletops.
We recently discovered that there are several e-stores devoted to selling like-colored books. You can purchase sets of books in virtually any color that you want. The problem for us is that they come at a very high price. These businesses provide convenient, easy, quick access to their books. We are just personally not willing to pay a high price to achieve our design.
Biggest Book Bargain
This is how we get the look that we want for a lot less. We pay attention to thrift store shopping discount days. For example, Goodwill, has a color code pricing system. Each week is an advertised color code available for 50% discount. The other day we went to an independent thrift store that we had never been to. That day only, all books were 25 cents each. Great, right? We purchased 20 books for the grand price of $5.00.
When shopping for books, the title doesn’t matter. Most thrift stores have already tossed offensive titles. Just tilt back the hard-covered books and look between the cover and the book. You can clearly see the hardback color:
This system usually works fairly well. You will need to be careful with newer book titles as they sometimes have black spines but the rest of the book is color. You will be surprised how quickly you can get a collection together.
All that’s left to do is remove the covers:
And then, get busy decorating! We love to recreate little vignettes in our homes as well as for clients.

How do you use books in your decor?
So clever!! I am so hooked on this blog! To be honest, it is the first I have followed yet I can’t seem to get enough. When is YOUR book coming out? can’t wait to see the color you pick for that.
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