Health Update…
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Hey y’all…I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be with you today!!
I know a lot of you have been wondering what’s been going on with us over here at 2 Bees. We truly appreciate your love, concern and well wishes. If you’re a regular reader you know that I broke my ankle back in June followed by subsequent surgery in August. You can read that post here.
Fast forward to October 1 when my hard cast was removed (YAY) and I was transitioned into a non-weight bearing boot.
October 4 was Jennifer’s fabulous and beautiful wedding. It was wonderful being with our family and friends. It truly was a magical day and we had the time of our lives. We will be sharing more details beginning tomorrow.
Now, I will try not to be dramatic or emotional and just give you the facts. I had a very unexpected post-surgical complication. October 7 I was in a lot of pain and was directed to go to the emergency room. After numerous tests it was discovered that I have blood clots in both of my lungs and a partially collapsed right lung. In medical speak I have pulmonary embolism from Deep Vein Thrombosis. The doctors informed me that usually patients would present with this condition within the first two weeks after surgery…but it can even happen three months after surgery.
I certainly consider myself fortunate that I finally realized I wasn’t going to get over the pain I was experiencing. I’m also blessed to have Jennifer as my daughter and champion. John was in NYC on a business trip so Jennifer stepped in and got things handled. She got me to the emergency room, filled out my paperwork and was by my side every step of the way. I am one proud mom 🙂 My Honey Bee flew back to Atlanta as soon as he got word of what was going on at home…I was so happy when he walked into my hospital room. I am fortunate beyond words, in more way than one 🙂
The great news is…I will recover – I get better and stronger each day. On Wednesday I’m hoping to have a real Forrest Gump moment at the podiatrist and be finished with my crutches and boot.
On Thursday I will have my first recheck with the lung specialist and I am positive my treatment is working.
Please tune in tomorrow…Jennifer and I are back on track with all new blogs posts. We have lots of goodies to share from her wedding as well as more Fall goodness and the Holiday Season!
Thanks for caring! See you tomorrow!!!
Vicki, so glad you are feeling better. You gave us quite a scare so cut it out, ok? We love you to pieces and need you around for a LONG time. Ikea and tons of junk stores are calling our names 🙂 Sending you hugs and prayers for continued recovery, Coco
CoCo…don’t make me cry this early in the morning 🙂 I can’t thank you enough for all of your love and support over the past several weeks! I look forward to the day that I can be back in action and visit the thrift shops and particularly HomeGoods…their sales have dropped dramatically during my health ordeal 🙂 Love you!
So glad you’re recovering! Praying that the boot and crutches will be a thing of the past come Wednesday’s doctor appointment. I know you’re more than ready to get back to some normalcy! Can’t wait to see wedding posts and your “back in action” posts!!
Love and hugs,
Hey Angie – Thanks so much! I’m ready to get back into circulation!! Fingers crossed that both doctor appointments go the way I want them too! I know the blood clots won’t be gone – but very hopeful that they are diminished and I have better lung function. I’m ready to party and put ALL of this behind me 🙂 Thanks for all of the encouragement and happy thoughts 🙂
Hope you have ALL of the scary stuff in your rear view mirror, with the highway to health and happiness wide open in front of you! I know you’re ready to hit the gas and get on with everything ~ especially some thrifting and shopping! So glad you are getting back to some level of normalcy and hope the Dr visits are a total success. Can’t wait to see the wedding and other fun things y’all have been doing. I swear I overheard the HomeGoods ladies asking about you on Saturday 🙂 Bwg ~~~
Bobbi – I so appreciate your wonderful humor…laughter has carried me through the past few months 🙂 I am more than ready to recapture my life!! Please tell HomeGoods that I am doing my best to visit them on Friday. Their sales have plummeted since my injury 🙂
Vicki and Jennifer, OMG, how much can a gal handle, but if the old say is God only picks his strongest soliders to go to battle than you are one tough cookie…lol. I’m so sorry you have gone through so much but so glad it is hopefully behind you…way behind. I am waiting for the day you are driving around in your car, with the wind blowing in your hair and heading to any store, shop, thrift store, flea market or place your heard desires. So glad you are feeling better xoxo Lisa
Hey Lisa – Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! I think I am at my limit of “handling” it 🙂 I truly am a tough cookie but truth be told this cookie has crumbled several times over the past two weeks. I’m keeping my eye on the prize which is shopping at HomeGoods and thrifting to my hearts content! Thanks for being my friend 🙂
Vicki!! I can’t believe everything you’ve been going through! I know how serious a PE can be, and I’m so glad Jen got you to the hospital. Rest, sister….you’ll be back on your feet before you know it. I’m sending you lots of good energy, and in the meantime, I’ve heard red wine is extremely helpful in treating a PE. Or maybe I just made that up, but I’m pretty sure it helps cure everything 🙂
Hey Amy…it’s been a bad time but, I’m pretty tough 🙂 I love your red wine remedy…starting the treatment now 🙂
dang woman! So happy to hear you are doing better. When one of my patients presents with your problem I immediately go into the oh $%*^ mode.
Please take care and keep us informed!