DIY Wine Bottle Charms…

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We were invited to a tailgate party and  knew we were bringing a bottle of wine.  In true 2 Bees fashion we wanted to glam up our bottle and decided to make a wine bottle charm.

Last year I was fortunate enough to participate in a girl’s trip.  We were in NYC for two days followed by a seven day cruise to Bermuda.  A fabulous trip for sure and cherished memories created.

My best friend Bambi gifted each of us with this wine bottle charm to commemorate our trip.

Wine bottle charm - represents NYC and Bermuda

The apple represents New York and the sunburst represents Bermuda – clever, right?  I of course did what any best friend would do – I stole the idea and made my own charms – with Bambi’s permission of course.

A few weeks later, my entire family went on a camping trip and I made each couple a charm representing this trip.  My charms were the year, a compass and an arrowhead – all camping related items. I also gifted each family a bottle of wine.

Yes, you can have a wine bottle charm - even for camping

I decided to make a wine bottle charm for the tailgate party.  I gathered everything I needed:

  • Wire
  • Button
  • Wine cork
  • Key ring
  • Charms
  • Beads
  • Eye ring
  • Hot glue

Everything you need to make a wine bottle charm for a tailgate party

I cut a piece of wire approximately 12 inches long.  I placed my center bead first.  Then I began adding beads in color sequence on each side of the center bead.  I like the two sides to match so that it looks balanced when it hangs on your wine bottle.  You will need to gauge the length – it depends on how large your beads are.  When you feel that you have enough beads added, twist your wire tightly one time.  Now thread the wire through your button.  Twist the wire tightly two times.  Cut the wire and glue the wine cork underneath the button.  Click onto the photos in the gallery below to get a close up:

On your key ring begin adding your charms in the order that you like.  The last “charm” added will be the eye-ring.  Begin twisting the eye-ring into the bottom of your wine cork.

Let the bling begin - wine bottle charm

And before you know it…  Bottle Bling.

Wine bottle charm - a little bling for your bottle

When 2 Bees in a Pod launched this blog just a couple of short weeks ago, we celebrated in style.

2 Bees in a Pod launch - wine bottle charm celebration

A great memento and keepsake…

A wonderful keepsake - wine bottle charm


DIY Wine Bottle Charms...a great holiday hostess gift

This would be great to do for the holidays as a hostess gift.  Your imagination is endless with color combinations and charm choices for your wine bottle charm.  Cheers!



  1. Yep, making these today! I actually have all the stuff needed in my craft stash. Such a great idea to make ones for special occasions. Thanks 2 Bees, off to craft land now 🙂 Bwg ~~~

  2. Vicki and Jennifer these are amazing and adorable!!! What a great idea and a great gift when you’re bringing wine to someone!!! LOVE it!! Lisa

  3. Super cute idea ladies! Love the easy tutorial! Thanks for making my gift giving ideas a breeze

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