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DIY Watercolor Feather

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Hey y’all…have you ever looked at a piece of art and thought “Wow – I wish I could do that”? Me too!

One of our favorite bloggers is Craftberry Bush. Are you familiar with Lucy? She is one super talented lady. Her home is gorgeous, she is outrageously creative (she made a piece of styrofoam look like a real wood slice) and she is very artistic. Most importantly Lucy is very sweet, kind, generous and giving. So giving in fact that she shared her watercolor painting technique and how to paint a bird feather.

As you already know Jenn and I are mad about feathers. Even though I had never used watercolors before, I was very intrigued and decided that I wanted to give it a try. I waited until Hobby Lobby had a 50% off sale on art supplies. I didn’t want to make a huge investment in case my art piece didn’t turn out…this collection was a grand total of $16. I figured if it did turn out I would have extra materials leftover to try my hand at something else with watercolors. Can you say, antlers?

DIY Watercolor Feather

The paint colors are not an exact match to Lucy’s recommendation but this multi-palette was very inexpensive.

DIY Watercolor Feather

Here’s her step-by-step instructions:

How to Do a Watercolor Painting of Bird Feathers

Lucy’s easy to follow directions really gave me confidence. Using a pencil I lightly outlined a feather shape…

DIY Watercolor Feather

After following the other steps, here is what my feather looked like…

DIY Watercolor Feather

I was so happy with that one, that I painted this one too…

DIY Watercolor Feather

I think they turned out great. They don’t look anything like Lucy’s but I’m okay with that. For my very first effort I couldn’t be happier!

DIY Watercolor Feather

DIY Watercolor Feather

DIY Watercolor Feather

Now, they need to be framed and I’m not quite sure what I want. Rustic wood or solid clear glass? I will let you know what I decide. I hope you give this art project a try. It was a lot of fun and I hope to create more watercolor art. Thanks Lucy!

Until tomorrow,




  1. These feathers are stunning! Love love love the beautiful way they came together. Put these in my crate. Hugs, CoCo

  2. OH MY GOSH, those feathers are amazing! Are you sure you’ve never painted with watercolors before?? 😉 I love them so much, I may have to try too. Mine will probably look like those “nailed it” (not) Pinterest photos. 😉 Have an awesome day ladies!!

  3. Ok, again you girls have inspired me to try something new. The feathers are beautiful! Bambi

  4. I never would have guessed this was your first attempt at watercolor painting! They’re fantastic. I think I’m going to check out Lucy’s post and give it a shot myself. My vote is for rustic frames but I know it’ll look gorgeous no matter what you choose!

  5. Wow, these turned out great! I’ll be featuring your project at The Scoop this Monday night. Thank you for linking up!

  6. These are gorgeous! I’m so glad I just saw your feature at The Scoop. I think I’ll give this a try for my art piece I wanted to make for ORC 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration, Vicki!! xo

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