12 Things to Toss from Your Closet Right Now
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Hey y’all…Did you have a great weekend? I hope you were doing something super-fun. I was in an industrious mood and continued my Spring cleaning and purging. I was standing knee-deep in closet clutter for most of the weekend. In the midst of this mess I had a couple of epiphanies…
- I have too much stuff
- I need to corral control of my stuff
- I needed to figure out what stuff to get rid of.
I am at my best when I have a plan of action and a to-do list. I literally sat down in the middle of my closet and started writing out my list. I looked all around me and made notes of what I knew had to leave the closet. I hope that this list helps you too – 12 Things to toss from Your Closet Right Now!
I certainly hope that I’m not alone in this. This large stack was just the beginning of the purge…
…these boxes housed shoes and new clothing orders. Why was I keeping these?
Definitely time to toss these faves. It was hard to part with them.
12 Things to Toss from Your Closet
Right Now!
Broken hangers and wire hangers
Tattered, torn or stained clothing beyond repair or cleaning.
Shoes that are very scuffed, beat-up and worn. Such as scraped heels, holes or offensive odors. This includes flip flops.
Anything and everything that is too tight – shoes, clothing, shoes, bras and undergarments
Plastic packets with buttons/thread packets that come with new clothing.
Items without a mate – socks, earrings, shoes.
Broken jewelry. Missing charms, broken clasps, broken chains, etc.
Empty jewelry boxes and empty shoe boxes.
Clothing that is out of fashion or that you just don’t like anymore.
Clothing that you have never worn but feel guilty because it was a gift.
Handbags that have broken straps, broken zippers, torn lining or damaged leather.
Sunglasses that are super scratched-up or missing a lens.
My handbags look so much better when they are organized. It also makes it easier to coordinate outfits.
I tossed a couple of pairs of sunglasses too – they were definitely in bad shape and I should have parted with them long ago.
The hardest items to get rid of were the emotional purges. Gifts from my mother that are now out of fashion. I knew it was time to let go, but it didn’t make the decision any easier.
I did not donate any of this clutter. I want to be clear that they were not donation worthy. The clothes were outdated, stained or in need of repair. The shoes were scuffed up and tattered. I personally would not want to donate anything that I wouldn’t want to wear myself.
I hope my list helps you and your cleaning process. I certainly know it helped me 🙂
Feel free to Pin the list below to your Pinterest board.
Until tomorrow…
This is such a great list Vicki! I definitely struggle with water ting to keep broken jewelry. I swear I’m going to re string it all one day but youre right I should just let it go. Thanks for the nudge, CoCo
Hi Vicki,
Great list! Perfect timing. I am getting ready to purge things in my closets and drawers since I went on a little shopping spree in between my son’s baseball games this weekend!
We have lived in Florida for 16 years and I am still holding on to coats and sweatshirts from college days. Maybe I will make travel pillows out of some of the sweatshirts but then again, I would have to find a place to store them!
I am in full on envy of your open shelving to store your purses. Congrats on your purge! I’m sure it feels so good!
You’ve been peeking in my house! I have alot of stuff to go through, mainly personal records and crafts and organize pictures. I will use your list.
Hi Vicki
Great post. Just wanted to add do not throw out broken jewelry ear rings or necklaces
I have a crafty friend who re-purposes into new jewelry pieces. Also my favorite resale shop sales them in mason jars to crafters. Love your blog!!!!.
Hey Regina! That is a great idea. We just sold our home and will be moving in a few weeks. There is a lot of jewelry that I need to figure out what to do with. Thanks for the suggestions!