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DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket

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Hey y’all…Have you ever been disappointed when you thought that something was going to look totally awesome in your house…and then it wasn’t? You know what I mean. Before you even get the item into the house you’ve already got your vision of the exact place and look all figured out. You excitedly race into the house, trip over the dog, run up the stairs and…whomp, whomp – it totally clashes and looks like crap! All your design hopes and dreams are dashed in an instant.

That’s how I felt with this wicker laundry basket…

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket…it’s a fabulous basket. It’s another piece that I inherited from Jenn during her move. Even though it looks creamy white, it’s really more of a yellow-gold color. I’m working on a tiny makeover in my laundry room and had at first planned on using it in there. But the more I thought about it I really wanted to use it as a towel holder in my master bathroom. Once I placed it in the room it looked bright yellow.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry BasketNot easily deterred I opted to try a gray wash paint finish to the laundry basket. I used some leftover gray chalk paint with water. Actually I mixed 2 parts paint to one part water and stirred very well. It looks very soupy and thin…

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket…and I did a small test spot. Here, you can get a better visual of the yellow color.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry BasketI applied one very thin coat to the entire basket. I knew that this didn’t need to be a perfect finish. I just wanted the basket to look a bit aged and light gray.

Here, the basket is drying. This is the exact look I was going for…pale gray with a bit of the original basket peeking through.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry BasketIt dried in less than 15 minutes. I couldn’t wait to take it upstairs and see if the new washed finish did the trick…and discovered that it had.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry BasketThe cute bicycle art is a clearance item from HomeGoods.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry BasketThis bubble bath was a gift from Jenn. Does she know me well or what? This fragrance is so amazingly light and clean.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry BasketThis triple-decker iron basket was another fab find at HomeGoods. It now houses soaps, sponges and washcloths.

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket

DIY Gray Washed Wicker Laundry Basket

Gray wash Collage

I am so happy that I was still able to use this great basket and that the gray wash treatment worked. I am still on the hunt for something for the laundry room. Ā Hmm…I wonder if Jennifer has something I could use?

Until Monday,



Sharing at these fab link parties Ā  Ā Canary Street Crafts Ā  Ā StoneGable Ā  Ā Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body


  1. I love the way this basket turned out Vicki! The subtle shadow of grey really adds a softness to your bathroom. Love your keep it simple sign. You know I’m a beach cruiser kind of girl!

    1. Hey CoCo – I was surprised that this was so easy! Will definitely be using this treatment on more baskets.

  2. I’m so glad to know there’s a way to make those natural, yellow-y baskets look like beautiful aged ones. I love this soft grey color and it looks beautiful in your bath! Was your chalk paint (the grey leftover one) already mixed up or did you add part of the powdered chalk paint to two parts water? I want to make sure I mix this right šŸ™‚
    Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend friend!

    1. Hey Angie – thank you so much! The gray chalk paint was already a DIY leftover mix. I mix my chalk paint in small mason jars for easy mixing and storage. There are a lot of baskets in my basement that will be getting a gray wash bath LOL!

  3. I love it! And that bicycle canvas has been itching to check out my local Homegoods. šŸ™‚ I see baskets that color a lot, now I know how to transform them!

    1. You’re so very sweet Kimm! You know we love a good HomeGoods deal. This basket paint treatment was so easy! I can’t believe we didn’t think of it before LOL.

    1. Hi Rebecca – we are so glad that you liked this little project. We will be using this same process on many more baskets!

  4. Love it! I know I need that tiered stand! But will it look like I think it will? I do know my main bathroom needs some perking up. Inspired today. Linda

    1. Hi Linda…the great thing about HomeGoods and other stores is that if it doesn’t look right once you get the item home…you can return it. Best of luck on your bathroom “perk up”.

  5. Vicki I love the grey laundry basket. What a great idea, I’d never think of painting it and it turned out beautiful and looks great with the tiered stand and that FABULOUS bicycle print to. LOVE it all. have a great weekend, Lisa

    1. Lisa – you are the sweetest! I still can’t believe that the bicycle print was on clearance! I’ve learned to not think twice when I see something like this. Painting the basket was a necessity because of the color, but now that it worked out so well I will be doing many more! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hey Mary Beth…so glad you are giving this paint treatment a try! we think you will be happy with the results.

  6. Left over paint took you from sad to glad, with a nice bath accessory update šŸ™‚ Isn’t paint like a miracle cure for DIY updates? Now if it could just help do the dishes. Thanks for sharing the painting tips! Bwg ~~~

  7. Love this! I did one with white and wasn’t totally thrilled with it… I am definitely going to try gray next time! Thanks for sharing! šŸ™‚

  8. Love how it looks now! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and the changes you can make with just a little paint. Love that picture and pretty 3-tier basket too!

  9. Good work on the basket… that 3 decker iron holder is definitelya fabulous buy.

  10. Pingback: THE SCOOP #186

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