
So Close to Amazing Standing Next to KariAnne

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Last weekend we were invited to Thistlewood Farms and it was So Close to Amazing Standing Next to KariAnne!

Have you ever experienced a full-circle moment in your life? That’s what last Saturday was for us. KariAnne Wood is the owner and author of the blog Thistlewood Farms. Most recently she is the author of her debut memoir of her #1 bestselling book So Close to Amazing.

We were invited to her beautiful home in Kentucky for a Home Tour and Book Signing Event.

Right about here is where we were wishing we had brought our good cameras. The following photos were taken with our iPhones.

And yes, these are real pumpkins gracing her porch steps!

Perfect front door greeting. Cotton boll wreath and happy fall  sign.

Mentor, Idol, Friend

We have known KariAnne for a few years now. Actually Thistlewood Farms was the very first blog that we ever read before we even knew what blogging was. It was so exciting to read KariAnne’s stories and see her DIY projects. Exciting still was that a new post came out almost every day! She was the inspiration for us to take the leap to start our own blogging journey and begin 2 Bees in a Pod.

When we had the opportunity to be mentored by KariAnne a few years ago we leapt at the chance like a brass ring. She is a champion cheerleader, sage advice giver and heart of gold personality. She wants everyone to succeed.

When we walked through her front door she was in the middle of her book signing, with a line of fans clamoring to talk with her. We were met with a cheerful greeting of “Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you made it all the way from Georgia!” She always makes us and everyone around her feel that special!

Refreshments, live music and the home tour were on the agenda. KariAnne also had her sister Kijsa showcasing her handlettering artistic talents. She created these art pieces for each of us with our names and “You are Amazing”.  Now we have the proof to show everyone 🙂

Once inside the house, it was a feast for the eyes. It was all of Thistlewood Farms blog photos coming to life and they did not disappoint.

Master Bedroom


Guest Bedroom


Recipe Wall

Believe it or not, this recipe wall was the highlight of our trip. There was a plan in place well ahead of time to take a selfie in front of this wall after we arrived. Thankfully, we came to our senses and had someone else take the photo so that we had a more decent photograph. KariAnne created this recipe wall with a vinyl printout and then made a plate rack. Genius!




Living Room

Chalkboard made from a vintage window.

Love all of her cute signs and typography.

Aren’t these crates clever?

Cute vintage signage.

Who doesn’t love a bark wreath with curly cues?





Can you believe that these shutters fit like perfect puzzle pieces?

More than a couple of times one of us was looking for a place to hide so they could live in this house, while the other was having to figure out a way to tell dad that mom wasn’t coming home 🙂

It was a fabulous day, a wonderful open house and we felt So Close to Amazing Standing Next to KariAnne.

Affiliate links included for your shopping convenience.

By the way, we highly recommend KariAnne’s book. She shares personal stories spun in a way that make anyone want to be her best friend. Here is a link to So Close to Amazing.

Have a wonderful weekend friends. We will see you back here on Monday.


  1. Rachelle Moser says:

    What a wonderful post! Her home is lovely and talk about hospitality! Loved the geometric dress too cute

  2. I love KariAnne& her blog. She is amazing!❤️
    Lucky you to go round her home.I know what you mean about the recipe wall … She is so talented .
    Thank you for sharing your day.

  3. Bambi Mullinax says:

    Wow, that was one amazing home tour. It was a real feast for the eyes and the creative imagination. KariAnne sounds like a friend we would all love to have. So happy that you were able to make the trip. Bambi

  4. Saturday, Sept. 16 is the last day for people to link up to a blog Tour of So Close to Amazing Stories and Reviews, hosted by 13 bloggers including KariAnne. We would love for you to share this post at the linky party. Each link up is an entry to win one of two prizes: 1st prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card plus a Signed copy of So Close to Amazing; 2nd prize: Signed copy of So Close to Amazing. Here’s where to join our special SCtA linky party… http://www.botanicbleu.com/2017/08/so-close-to-amazing-stories.html

    I loved seeing your photos of the Launch Party at KariAnne’s house. I wasn’t able to attend and seeing your photos is ALMOST like being there.

    My last blog post is all about another great place to shop in Waco after visiting Magnolia Market. http://www.botanicbleu.com/2017/09/findery-country-shopping-waco-texas.html


  5. I’m waiting with bated breath for KariAnne’s book to arrive in my mailbox. How exciting not only to meet her in person but to be inside her farmhouse – you know I’m jealous, right!

  6. Wow! Loved all the photos and comments. Just like walking through the house with you. I’m so glad you had the opportunity to be there. What an amazing mentor. Love you 2 bees!

  7. Seriously so excited for you guys that you were able to have this experience! I know it meant so much to you to be able to travel together and to see KariAnne’s gorgeous home. You both look really pretty by the way – gah – so excited for you! Hugs, CoCo

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