
25 Fall Wreaths for Under $100

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25 Fall Wreaths for Under $100

Yes my friends, you have read this post title correctly. I’m breaking our pinky-swear-promise and using the “F” word before Labor Day. No – not that word! Fall, I’m talking about fall. After scourging many sites, I have collected my favorite 25 fall wreaths for under $100. I’ve done all of the hard work for you.

Here’s the thing – I realize that it is currently mid-summer and the weather is hotter than blue blazes. And never mind the fact that our humidity is so thick that you can cut it with a knife. Truth be told, I currently don’t even like being outside because it is so miserable. 

Too Soon

Some of you might think that this post is way too early to even mention Fall. Trust me, I get it. You’re still enjoying your time at the pool, lake or beach and the kiddos are just going back to school. This post serves a purpose, two fold. I get to escape the heat with my fantasies of pumpkin spice lattes, buffalo checked scarves and pretty fall wreaths. The second purpose is to share with you a wide variety of favorite fall wreaths with a designer look for half the price. Who doesn’t love that? 



Plan Ahead

I believe in being prepared for anything and this holds especially true for my home decor. Shopping for a new fall wreath in a store can be frustrating at times. Jenn and I have seen wreaths that are upwards of $200! Another frustration is limited inventory.

Here are my favorite 25 Fall Wreaths for Under $100. There are so many beautiful ones this year!

25 Fabulous Fall Wreaths

Anytime you spend money, it is an investment. Keep in mind that this wreath can serve your fall decor needs from September all the way through Thanksgiving! My personal faves are the “Hello Autumn” hoop wreath the white pumpkins with buffalo check bow wreath. Which one is your favorite?


  1. Love this collection of wreaths! We just picked up cotton picks for one of our wreaths too so they are definitely a favorite. I’m SO glad you brought up the price of wreaths. You guys, they have easily gone up 10-50 this year depending on the size. It blows my mind! So excited to welcome the season soon. Hugs, CoCo

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