Liebster Award
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Happy Monday! We hope y’all had a great weekend and Father’s Day…we know we did!
We don’t know if any of you have ever heard of the Liebster Award, but it is given to bloggers by bloggers and we would say it is like a modern day chain letter. It is also a great way to discover new bloggers and get involved in the blogging community. We were recently nominated by Little Red Brick House to participate and we couldn’t be more excited!
The rules are simple:
- You list 11 random facts about yourself
- You answer 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you
- You nominate 5 more bloggers
- You ask 11 new questions for the bloggers you’ve nominated
So without further adieu, here goes…
11 Random Facts
- 2 Bees in a Pod is made up of Vicki (mom) and Jenn (daughter).
- Vicki has such an obsession with Starbucks, she named her shih-tzu Starbuck.
- Jenn has lived in 5 states (TX, FL, NC, AL, GA).
- Vicki is the oldest of 3 and Jenn is an only child.
- We pretty much know every song that comes on the radio.
- We are both extremely competitive and can play a mean game of SkipBo.
- Jenn has a fear of snakes.
- Vicki is a fifth generation Floridian.
- Christmas is our favorite holiday and if we’re being honest, can’t wait for it to get here!
- Jenn majored in audio and video production at The University of Alabama.
- We love travelling…anywhere, anytime. We especially both love Italy!
11 Questions Asked by Little Red Brick House
- Why did you start blogging? It was honestly talked about in a more joking manner at first, but the more and more we thought about it, the more we realized we wanted to do it. We love DIY, Home Decor, Recipes, etc. and we thought, “Why not share this with people?” We also loved the idea of being able to do something like this together, as mother/daughter.
- Favorite social media outlet? Instagram. We love being able to share photos easily, as well as interact with others. We find that this is the best way to really be connected to our readers and the blogging community.
- What’s your guilty pleasure? I feel like we have so many 🙂 I would say reality shows for both of us. Jenn also loves Pretty Little Liars and ice cream! Can’t get enough of that show haha!
- Biggest pet peeve? Living in Atlanta we would say bad drivers. I don’t know how many times in a week we’ve almost gotten into an accident because someone isn’t paying attention. We also can’t stand people who give away the endings to movies, shows, or books. Drives us crazy!
- Why did you pick your blog name? For as long as I can remember, mom has been the Queen Bee. So when we were trying to come up with the name and there were 2 of us, we initially thought 2 Peas in a Pod, but of course that site was already taken. Then it hit me one day that it should be 2 Bees in a Pod. I called mom immediately and we both thought it was perfect!
- Coffee or Tea? Coffee.
- If you had to choose, which of the 5 senses would you rather lose? We would say touch for sure. We would hate to live without it, but the other one’s are more important to us.
- Favorite way to pass time? This would really depend on our mood, but it would either be shopping for great deals, reading a good book, or going to the movies.
- Are you a dog or cat person? We are definitely dog people…we both have one (Starbuck & Teddy). Cats are unfortunately not really our thing.
- Nikon or Canon? Canon! We both have the Power Shot S110 and love it!!
- Last person you texted? Each other hahaha! We text each other several times throughout the day 🙂
Our Nominees
Our Questions
- Why did you start this blog?
- Who is your biggest inspiration?
- What is your favorite movie?
- What are the 3 things you can’t live without?
- Ultimate vacation destination?
- Best DIY tip?
- What is your favorite quote?
- What is your decorating style?
- Most treasured heirloom?
- What is one of the best decisions you’ve ever made?
- Describe yourself in 3 words.
We had a great time participating and hope you enjoyed getting to know us better. Here’s to a great week!
Thank you for thinking of me! It’s an absolute honor to be in the same company as the two of you. I loved learning more about you and I can’t wait to meet you in person at Haven!