Easy to Sew – Christmas Dog Collar…
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I have to tell you…I think that my dog, Starbuck, is the cutest dog in the world! He is sweet, loving and likes to wear sweaters, clothing and collars. I would not dress him otherwise – I promise.
I have family and friends that have dogs and I started thinking about what gifts I could make for their loved pets. I wanted to make something that was easy and festive and I created these cute Christmas dog collars. They were very easy to sew and didn’t take very long to make. After I had my supplies gathered together, this project took about 20 minutes total.
The first collar is for a tall or large dog. It will probably be gifted to my grand-dog Teddy 🙂 I had this Christmas tea towel that I purchased after Christmas last year for .50 cents. I decided to use it for this large collar
I especially like the cute reindeer.
I measured out six inches on both sides of the width of the tea towel. I then marked the measurement with a chalk pen.
You can see the chalk mark on each side of the reindeer. I placed cardboard under the tea towel for cutting purposes.
This checked fabric made it extra easy to cut a straight line 🙂
Both sides of the fabric are cut. I then cut out the reindeer appliqué’. I ended up with two pieces of 12″ x 6″ fabric and a 4″ x 6″ appliqué.
Placing the right sides of the fabric together, I sewed the seams together using a 2/8″ seam allowance.
Another bonus of using the tea towel is that the ends were already hemmed. This is what it looked like before sewing the top.
At the top, fold a 5/8 seam allowance.
I used 1/2″ elastic and used a safety pen on one end of the elastic for “threading” purposes.
At one open end of your 5/8″ seam allowance, push the safety pen and elastic through – being sure to hold the other end of the elastic. After you have guided the elastic to the other open end, sew the two ends of the elastic together. Then sew the two ends of the fabric together.
Your adorable Christmas dog collar is complete. The collar on top is for a large dog and the one on the bottom is for a small dog. I added jingle bells to each by hand sewing.
My extra small model is wearing the large dog collar. Isn’t he adorable? I told you 🙂
Here is Starbuck rocking his size appropriate collar. I used the exact same sewing method, cutting all measurements in half.
Isn’t he the cutest dog in the world? Don’t forget to gift the dog friends on your list this year 🙂